Test Design Automation

Test Design Automation: Core of Test Automation

Introduction This blog post is an attempt to address the question of whether model-based testing (MBT) or also called Test Design Automation (TDA) has a bright future in the testing industry. Well, before that, this blog acknowledges that readers have some background knowledge in the field of software testing. The TDA extensively considers the ...

Data Analytics & Software Test Automation Synergy

Can Data Analytics Find Its Application In Software Test Automation?   The Ever-Evolving Testing Market Currently, around the globe, the organizational processes have been evolving with the adoption of newer technologies and the addition of extended support with Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning has indeed ...

Extending Conformiq MBT Beyond Functional Testing

Conformiq is a technology provider for advanced Model Based Test (MBT) automation. At the heart of this capability is our engine which automatically generates functional test cases from a model of the system you are testing. The technology assumes no implementation details of the system and we validate whether the given system conforms to its ...